Virginia Blanca Arrisueño, a daughter of Peruvian immigrants, was born in Morristown, New Jersey. Her father introduced her to travel and the arts, and her mother’s impeccable style inspired her as an adult to pursue her own artistic endeavors. Arrisueño worked in a museum, as a fashion designer, and is an award winning artist. In 2016, Arrisueño opened Steadfast Supply to empower other independent designers and makers like herself. Steadfast Supply offers an eclectic range of things from self-care, cooking, plant-care, journaling, DC-related items and artwork, and so much more. 

Steadfast Supply believes in contributing to the surrounding neighborhood and the creative community so they also utilize the shop as an events space for workshops, discussions, presentations, and performances. 

Bonus: If you’re a loyal member you get a 10% discount card for every visit.

Business Owner
Virginia Blanca Arrisueño

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